Thursday, February 26, 2009

"Fly me to the moon..."

Hello readers!

It's been quite awhile since I last posted, OK, just about a week, but still. I am currently recovering from a cold - or just sinus junk..not sure. But whatever it is, it's not fun. I have been able to write a little more, at least I attempt to. I really need to get writing more.

Anyway, tomorrow I should be going to the movies to see The Jonas Brothers: 3D Concert Experience. I'll be meeting up with two of my best friends who I haven't seen since December! So I am excited for that. If I can, I'll post pictures in my next post of that "event". ha ha.

I just recently created a myspace for myself - purely out of boredom and curiosity. It took all day just to figure out how to put music on my profile; I guess I was looking too hard. Facebook is a whole lot better, I have to say.

One thing I've noticed though, I haven't had any comments on any I do have the comments set to everyone so if you do feel the need to comment, go right ahead. :) I would love to know how many people are actually reading this. That includes you.

Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


It's Meredith here.

It's been a bit hectic this week; painting, new furniture, school..yeah. It's been kind of crazy around here, but not too busy I guess. Tomorrow I will be rising at 5 in the morning for a funeral in Virginia Beach. My Uncle's (by marriage) dad passed away due to cancer sometime last night and I, along with my mother and sister, are making a three hour trip up there to go. It will be nice to see family, though.

Anyway, I received an email today from the owner's daughter at Noah's landing, and they want me to go in Friday for one on one training to be a tour guide! How cool is that? If you don't know what Noah's landing is, it's basically a farm; with exotic animals! I went in for general training on Sunday afternoon and had a great time. The wallaby attached his arms to my leg, it was the cutest thing ever...well, until I was reminded that it was mating season. Anyway, it's a great place and I am definitely going to enjoy working there. It's volunteering, of course, so I won't be getting paid, obviously, but it will look great for college and it's just fun! It's something that I love and have a strong passion for.

I'm looking forward to "bonding" with the animals, it's going to be a blast. Holding fennec foxes, playing with timberwolves, and working with the other animals there will be great. I can't wait and I'm sure you all will hear every detail. :)

That's all for now!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

First post


Wow, I sound like such a loser. If you're reading this, you probably already knew that. Well, hopefully every day I will be writing here, about random events in my life and also thoughts that constantly play in my head; needing an escape. I figured a blog would be a great way to express my words, carefully of course. :)

If you didn't know, I love animals and God's creation in general. I believe that God shows Himself best through creation; after His word, of course. There is no way possible that life could have been evolved from lifeless rocks, it just could not happen.

Most teenagers these days are wrapped up in the latest and greatest, in everything. Following what's popular instead of where they really want to be. For me, I think I missed that bus, fortunately. Frank Sinatra, Stevie Wonder, and The Bee Gees are some of my absolute favorites - even though I do enjoy some Top 40 also.

What to say, what to say.

If you aren't already bored with this, keep checking in 'cause I've got a lot of free time on my hands.

Until next time,