Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Check yourself before you wreck yourself.

It's been forever since I've written anything on this blog.
A lot has happened since May.. a lot.
To summarize everything, I was in Houston all summer and I enjoyed every minute of it. I would go back in a heartbeat. Everything was just so different there and it was just refreshing to be in a new place and talk to people from different cultures and backgrounds. I have fallen in love with reaching out to children, especially.
Another thing, I have moved into my new "home" away from home... college, that is.
I am really enjoying it all so far. My classes are pretty cool and I am learning a whole lot. There's nothing better than going to a Christian University where Christ is the center focus. One of my favorite things is going into the Rot (Dining Hall) and seeing the students pray before they eat. It doesn't sound like a big deal, but how many college campuses have you gone to and seen students in prayer before eating, or reading their Bible on the benches outside of classrooms? It's fantastic.

There's a passage of scripture in the Bible that's been on my heart for a couple weeks now and I thought I should share it with whoever is reading this...
"Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus." - Philippians 2:3,5

Wow. Is this not convicting or what? These verses definitely knocked me off of my selfish little throne, for sure! Sometimes we get so wrapped up in ourselves that we forget Who we belong to and what our purpose is. Maybe we think of ourselves before others, and making sure we get our way.. and we completely ignore what God wants for us. Another thing that stands out in these verses is conceit. Ouch. How many times have I thought that I was better than someone? How many times did I put my opinion first? Many times, I'm sure. Our dirty, rotten flesh is selfish and wants to put itself before anything else, and wants all the glory and power. As Christ followers, we should not strive for power. In fact, John 3:30 says, "He must increase, but I must decrease." Jesus has the power, we do not. If our goal is to have power or control over someone, or a situation, it's most likely not God's will. Hello? Satan has been fighting for power ever since the beginning. How does he try to get power? Through our pride and selfishness. If we're always thinking of ourselves before everything else we end up knocking God out of the picture. Don't help Satan out, guys. We are not better than anyone, so we should not think that way. Actually, these verses explain that we should humble ourselves and put others above us. Satan doesn't think this way. Satan wants us to think of ourselves first. He wants us to think that we should be put first, before anything or anyone. Our culture encourages this. Our attitude is one of our biggest witnesses in this world. If we gossip about someone at school, at work, or even in church, are we showing an attitude of Christ? Lies, slander, backbiting and hatred. I don't remember reading about Jesus teaching his disciples this. You're lost friends, co-workers, neighbors and family members are watching you. Are you reflecting Christ's attitude or are you convincing others with your actions that Christians are a bunch of hypocrites? Take it seriously.
Come on, Christians. We have got to do a better job at showing the love of Christ. Stop blending into the world. Jesus wants us to rise up and stand out. We can't reach anyone for Jesus when we're too busy hurting others or living a life that isn't pleasing to God. So next time you gossip about that person, or look down on that stranger in the back pew, think of Jesus, drenched in his own blood.. shedding his tears for you. He knows you're better than that. So tell Satan to hit the road, and let's reach this world for Jesus Christ.

Jesus commanded us to drop everything, lose all we have, and follow Him.
The question is, are you going to be an obedient loser for Jesus?

Do the right thing...wake up...and... LET'S GET IT!

That's all for today.

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